©Raymond Small TQ4791 15/07/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4791 15/07/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4791 15/07/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4791 15/07/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4791 15/07/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4791 15/07/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4791 15/07/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4791 15/07/2017
©Mike Rumble TQ4793 19/08/2022
Southern Hawker Aeshna cyanea is large, solitary, and inquisitive. It hunts along woodland paths often late into warm evenings and often away from water. Breeding takes place in well-vegetated ponds. Males are dark with bright blue and green markings. Occasionally males with all-blue markings occur. Females are brown with bright green markings. Immatures of both sexes have brown eyes and their bodies are brown with light yellow markings.
©Raymond Small TQ4792 06/09/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4792 10/09/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4793 22/08/2023
©Raymond Small TQ4792 21/08/2019
©Raymond Small TQ4792 21/08/2019
Migrant Hawker Aeshna mixta has paired spots along the abdomen. Males are dark with blue spots and yellow specks; females are brown with yellow spots. This species can be found on hedgerows and along sheltered woodland rides often away from the water. It is often rests on vegetation.
Raymond Small TQ4793 01/08/2023
Raymond Small TQ4793 01/08/2023
Brown Hawker Aeshna grandis have golden-brown wings. They are sometimes seen at Roe's Well during autumn. Males and females both have brown bodies. Males have blue dots along the side of the abdomen; females have yellow or pale blue markings.
©Mike Rumble TQ4893 17/07/2023
©Raymond Small TQ4893 17/07/2023
©Mike Rumble TQ4792 18/07/2023
Emperor Dragonfly Anax imperator is one of the largest Dragonfly species in Europe, associated with well vegetated ponds and lakes. The female usually has a green abdomen with a central dark line, although occasionally some appear with a blue abdomen. Males have a sky blue abdomen with a central dark line.
©Raymond Small TQ4894 20/05/2024
©Raymond Small TQ4793 22/05/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4793 15/06/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4793 11/05/2018
©Raymond Small TQ4793 22/05/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4894 15/08/2017
Broad-bodied Chaser Libellula depressa usually found near ponds and lakes from May to July. Females are golden-brown, whereas males have a blue abdomen. Both sexes have very dark brown wing bases and yellow spots along the side of the body. Immature adults have similar colouration to females. Nymphs of Chasers and Skimmers can be told apart by checking the hind legs. Chasers have legs that extend beyond the tip of the abdomen, the legs of Skimmers do not.
Raymond Small TQ4792 18/06/2024
©Mike Rumble TQ4792 08/07/2018
©Raymond Small TQ4792 16/06/2023
©Raymond Small TQ4792 11/06/2022
©Raymond Small TQ4793 22/08/2020
©Raymond Small TQ4792 17/06/2019
©Raymond Small TQ4792 26/06/2023
Black-tailed Skimmer
Orthetrum cancellatum is on the wing from May to August. Females are yellowish with two black stripes running along the body. Mature males are blue, immature males are yellow, so care has to be taken when identifying the sexes in young specimens. The larvae spend 2-3 years under water before emerging.
©Raymond Small TQ4894 15/08/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4793 10/08/2022
Ruddy Darter Sympetrum sanguineum is common around well vegetated ponds. Males are red and have club-shaped abdomens. Females have ochre-yellow abdomens with black markings and are not club-shaped. Both sexes have black legs.
©Raymond Small TQ4793 29/07/2023
©Raymond Small TQ4793 22/08/2020
©Tushar Bala TQ4793 21/08/2022
©Raymond Small TQ4792 17/08/2019
©Raymond Small TQ4792 08/09/2022
Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum are small dragonflies that usually rest with their wings held forward. Often seen near ponds, either on a prominent perch or on bare ground and sometimes away from water. They fly into the air to catch prey and frequently return to the same spot. Common Darters can be difficult to distinguish from Ruddy Darters, however the former has pale stripes down the legs. Males also have yellow patches on the sides of the thorax.
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