Geranium Family



  • Common Stork's-bill

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    Common Stork's-bill Erodium cicutarium

    ©Raymond Small TQ4792 08/10/2017

  • Common Stork's-bill

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    Common Stork's-bill Erodium cicutarium

    ©Raymond Small TQ4792 25/04/2022


Common Stork's-bill Erodium cicutarium is a short, hairy perennial with purplish flowers (10-15mm across) and feathery pinnate leaves. Flowers bloom from April to August with petals that drop soon after the flowers open. The fruits that follow resemble long, twisted beaks.

  • Meadow Cranesbill

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    Meadow Cranesbill Geranium pratense

    ©Raymond Small TQ4792 24/06/2022

  • Meadow Cranesbill

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    Meadow Cranesbill Geranium pratense

    ©Brian Ecott TQ4792 23/06/2018


Meadow Cranesbill Geranium pratense often appears on Hog Hill Meadow in June. It is a perennial growing to a height of about 50cm. Each blue flower may grow up to 4cm across with 5 unnotched petals, 5 short pointed hairy sepals. 10 stamens and a pistil.

  • Herb Robert

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    Herb Robert Geranium robertianum

    ©Raymond Small TQ4793 13/04/2024


Herb Robert Geranium robertianum is a low-growing woodland plant that flowers from April to September. It has small, pink, five-petalled flowers and reddish stems. The leaves have deeply divided lobed leaves often tinged with red.

  • Dovesfoot Cranesbill

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    Dovesfoot Cranesbill Geranium molle

    ©Raymond Small  TQ4792 02/05/2019

  • Dovesfoot Cranesbill

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    Dovesfoot Cranesbill Geranium molle

    ©Raymond Small  TQ4792 11/05/2019


Dovesfoot Cranesbill Geranium molle is a low creeping member of the geranium family often seen in May. A plant growing along Foxburrow Road kerbside had white, larger than normal flowers. Being unusual we sent a picture to botanists Ken Adams and Enid Barrie. They both agreed that it was still molle, with Enid suggesting it might be a garden cultivar.

  • Cut-leaved Cranesbill

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    Cut-leaved Cranesbill Geranium dissectum

    ©Raymond Small TQ4792 25/05/2019


Cut-leaved Cranesbill Geranium dissectum has leaves that are divided almost to the base. The purplish-pink flowers (18mm across) grow on short stalks. The sepals are hairy.

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