Most Groundbug species are black and brown with a few exceptions. They belong to the family Lygaeidae.
Birch Catkin Bug Kleidocerys resedae
©Raymond Small TQ4792 17/05/2024
Birch Catkin Bug Kleidocerys resedae
©Raymond Small TQ489
Birch Catkin Bug Kleidocerys resedae lives in habitats that contain Birch trees. The forewings of this rust-coloured groundbug are patterned and mainly transparent. Adults overwinter and there are several generations a year. Length 5mm.
Nettle Ground Bug Heterogaster urticae
©Raymond Small TQ4792 11/06/2019
Nettle Ground Bug Heterogaster urticae
Final instar nymph
©Raymond Small TQ4693 17/08/2023
Nettle Ground Bug Heterogaster urticae are found on nettles. They have alternate dark and light markings on the legs and connexivum and the tibiae have three dark bands. The head and pronotum are covered in long erect hairs. Adults overwinter, emerging and mating during spring; couples may remain joined together for several days. Length 6-7mm.
Eremocoris Ground Bugs Eremocoris podagricus
©Raymond Small TQ4971 04/01/2019
Eremocoris Ground Bugs Eremocoris podagricus
©Raymond Small TQ4971 07/01/2025
Eremocoris Ground Bugs Eremocoris podagricus have reddish-brown patterned forewings. They are associated with moss growing beneath hawthorns in chalky and sandy locations. Length 5.0-6.5mm.
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