©Raymond Small TQ4792 15/03/2017
Common Gull Larus canus has greenish legs and a yellow bill. It is not very common inland despite the name. Occasional visitors to Hainault Lake normally only turn up in very small groups. Their diet consists on worms, insects, carron, fish and scraps.
©Raymond Small TQ4792 27/01/2024
In their first winter, Lesser Black-backed Gulls are pale-headed, the body is distinctly patterned and the bill is black.
©Raymond Small
TQ4792 29/07/2019
©Mike Rumble TQ4792 01/08/2024
©Michael Trump TQ4792 05/08/2022
©Michael Trump TQ4792 14/08/2018
Common Tern Sterna hirundo are occasional summer visitors to Hainault Lake. They can be told apart from other types of Tern by the black bill tip. They hover above the water before diving to catch fish.
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