Herons and Egrets



Grey Heron is Britain's largest long-legged wading bird. They often visit Hainault Lake to feed on fish. When a fish is caught it is usually tossed into the air and swallowed head-first so that the scales and fins don’t catch in the throat. Herons also stand in meadows waiting to spear small mammals and amphibians with their long bills. Remains left on the ground from a Heron's hunting trip may include such items as frog innards and black egg masses. 

Great White Egret is much larger then the Little Egret and has black feet instead of yellow. The bill is yellow, becoming darker during the breeding season. It feeds on fish, insects and amphibians, using the sharp bill to spear them.

Little Egret is a winter visitor. This species is believed to have first arrived in England during the 1950s. The species is now well established with an increasing population. This small member of the Heron family has a white head, back and chest, black legs and bill and yellow feet. It feeds on fish.


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