• Alderfly

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    Pearl Lacewing Chrysopa perla

    ©Raymond Small TQ4792 19/05/2022 


Pearl Lacewing Chrysopa perla (10-12mm) is blue-green with black wing veins and substantial black markings on the head and thorax. The second antennal segment is black and the underside of the abdomen is also black. 

  • Alderfly

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    Green Lacewing Chrysopidae

    ©Raymond Small TQ4692 01/05/2022

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    Green Lacewing Chrysopidae

    ©Raymond Small TQ4692 10/05/2021


Green Lacewings belong to the family Chrysopidae. There a number of different types which can be difficult to tell apart because they are very similar. The bodies normally range from bright green to greenish-brown and the compound eyes appear golden in many species. Tympanal organs at the base of the forewings enable adults to hear. They vibrate the body to communicate with each other particularly during courtship. Individuals will not react to courtship songs produced by a different species. Depending on the species their diet may consist of pollen, nectar and honeydew supplemented with mites, aphids and other tiny creatures.

  • Alderfly

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    ©Raymond Small TQ4793 19/08/2023


Lacewing larvae are considered friends to the gardener because they are voracious feeders on greenfly, blackfly and whitefly aphids. They are sometimes known by the nicknames 'aphid lion' or 'aphid wolf'.

  • Alderfly

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    ©Raymond Small TQ4692 20/05/2020


A brown lacewing attracted to a UV light in a moth trap possibly belonging to the genus Wesmaelius. Awaiting verification.

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