©Raymond Small TQ4793 05/05/2022
Bugle Ajuga reptans has a preference for damp woods and can be found near Roe's Well during spring. Long creeping runners produce, short, erect, leafy flowering stems. It has square stems and opposite leaves.
©Raymond Small TQ4791 06/09/2018
©Raymond Small TQ4791 18/08/2017
Skullcap Scutellaria galericulata is a perennial that flowers in damp habitats from June to September. It has bluish-violet flowers, a square stem and opposite pairs of round-toothed oval leaves.
©Raymond Small TQ4792 09/07/2023
Selfheal Prunella vulgaris is a low-growing perennial with oval leaves and bluish-violet flowers.
©Raymond Small TQ4792 14/03/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4792 12/05/2018
©Raymond Small TQ4693 15/04/2022
Ground Ivy Glechoma hederacea is an evergreen creeping plant found in woodland and on damp ground. It spreads by using overground runners that sometimes take root. Its violet flowers appear from March until June.
©Raymond Small TQ4793 22/04/2022
White Dead-nettle Lamium album has dense clusters of white flowers in whorls around a square stem. Usually found on disturbed ground and waste spaces. Does not sting.
©Raymond Small TQ4792 19/04/2023
©Raymond Small TQ4892 02/04/2022
Red Dead-nettle
Lamium purpureum has dense clusters of reddish-pink flowers in whorls around its square stem. Usually found on disturbed ground and waste spaces. Does not sting.
©Raymond Small TQ4693 15/04/2022
Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. Argentatum is a garden escape now naturalised in the forest. A deadnettle.
©Raymond Small TQ4792 11/10/2022
©Raymond Small TQ4793 02/07/2024
Black Horehound Ballota nigra has a strong aroma so is rejected by cattle making it useless for grazing. The Greek ballo means to reject, hence ballota in the scientific name. The leaves appear blackish when dried and this likely explains nigra which means 'black'.
©Raymond Small TQ4792 12/08/2017
©Raymond Small TQ4792 03/08/2022
©Raymond Small TQ4792 03/08/2024
Water Mint Mentha aquatica flowers from July to October in damp locations. It spreads vigorously using creeping runners.
©Raymond Small TQ4792 05/07/2018
Gypsywort Lycopus europaeus inhabits wet locations. It is slightly hairy plant and not aromatic. Its small flowers (4mm) grow in dense whorls at the base of the uppermost leaves.
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