150 Norfolk Guides, Norwich Division, Coronation Camp, Chigwell 1937

The Girl Guides Association and the National Council of Girls Clubs began leasing Oaklands Farm at Chigwell Row in 1935. They wanted a site where girls from Metropolitan areas could enjoy the countryside. On June 13th, 1936, Mr. P. M. Evans, Chairman of the City Parochial Foundation, officially opened the grounds. The first noteworthy camp took place in 1937 attracting Guides from all around the world to celebrate the Coronation of George VI . 

When war broke out in 1939 the War Office took over the site to use as a Home Guard Training Camp. After the war, the Girls Clubs no longer wanted to use the campsite so in 1948 it became the sole responsibility of the Girl Guides Association. The original Brownie House, located to the right of the drive, became unsafe and needed to be demolished. Funds raised in 1961 went towards the construction of two prefabs known as 'Jubilee House'. The name was chosen to commemorate the Girl Guide Jubilee. A dormitory was added in 1965.

An association called 'The Friends of Chigwell' formed in 1966 with the main purpose to raise funds to improve the site. Working parties met once or twice a year to assist with the improvements. Large parts of the ground were sub-let to different Divisions and Districts, who owned their own huts for storing equipment. The well-built huts would also be used as shelters during bad weather. Guides were expected to wear correct camp uniform.

There was a telephone available in Jubilee House for emergencies only. Other calls had to be made in public call boxes at either end of the village. The camp had facilities, such as a sweet shop, swimming pool, camp chapel and five blocks of flush toilets.

150 Norfolk Guides, Norwich Division, Coronation Camp, Chigwell 1937

150 Norfolk Guides, Norwich Division, Coronation Camp, Chigwell 1937

150 Norfolk Guides, Norwich Division, Coronation Camp, Chigwell 1937

150 Norfolk Guides, Norwich Division, Coronation Camp, Chigwell 1937

150 Norfolk Guides, Norwich Division, Coronation Camp, Chigwell 1937

Camp entrance - posted 7th August 1959.


Researched by Raymond Small.

Pictures courtesy Daylop Collection.

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