Three-nerved Sandwort Moehringia trinervia
©Raymond Small TQ4793 23/04/2018
Three-nerved Sandwort Moehringia trinervia
©Raymond Small TQ4793 23/04/2018
Three-nerved Sandwort Moehringia trinervia is a low-growing annual found in shaded woodland during May and June. Instead of one central vein the oval leaves have 3-5 distinct veins. Its white flowers (4-7mm across) have five unnotched petals that are about half as long as the hairy-edged sepals.
Greater Stitchwort Rabelera holostea
©Raymond Small TQ4693 15/04/2022
Greater Stitchwort Rabelera holostea
©Raymond Small TQ4792 17/04/2017
Greater Stitchwort Rabelera holostea
©Raymond Small TQ4693 06/04/2019
Greater Stitchwort Rabelera holostea has white flowers with five deeply-notched petals that appear from April to June. When the seed cases ripen the seeds can be heard popping when they are released. The thin stems are square and brittle and the narrow leaves can have a slightly glaucous appearance. This plant was formerly placed in the genus Stellaria, but in 2019 was transferred to the genus Rabelera, becoming the only species in its genus.
Common Chickweed Stellaria media
©Raymond Small TQ4792 15/03/2019
Common Chickweed Stellaria media has small white flowers with five deeply-divided petals. Its branching stems lie on the ground and the leaves are oval.
Common Mouse-ear Cerastium fontanum
©Raymond Small TQ4792 19/04/2019
Common Mouse-ear Cerastium fontanum is a low-growing, slightly hairy, reddish-stemmed perennial found in grassy locations from April until November. The white flowers have 5 divided petals with sepals about the same length. Its bracts are mainly white edged and the leaves are lanceolate.
Sticky Mouse-ear Cerastium glomeratum
©Raymond Small TQ4792 08/04/2023
Sticky Mouse-ear Cerastium glomeratum is a hairy annual with tight heads of flowers. Found on disturbed ground in open locations.
Procumbent Pearlwort Sagina procumbens
©Raymond Small TQ4792 17/03/2017
Procumbent Pearlwort
Sagina procumbens is a low creeping perennial that appears in damp, bare locations from May until September. It forms a mat spreading out from the from central leaf rosette and rooting at the nodes. The flowers usually lack petals.
Red Campion Silene dioica
©Raymond Small TQ4793 05/05/2019
Red Campion Silene dioica
©Raymond Small TQ4793 08/05/2018
Red Campion Silene dioica is a tall, hairy perennial with overwintering rosettes of long-stalked oval leaves. Its flowers have five deeply-notched petals that are almost divided into two. The plants begin to bloom in spring.
White Campion Silene latifolia
©Raymond Small TQ4792 13/06/2020
White Campion
Silene latifolia is a hairy annual (sometimes biennial) plant with white notched flowers (25-30mm) and oval lanceolate leaves. Upper leaves are normally unstalked. Male and female flowers grow on separate plants. It is found growing at the edge of Foxburrow Road from May until October.
White Campion producea a scent at night that attracts feeding moths.
Ragged-Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi
©Raymond Small TQ4792 18/05/2018
Ragged-Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi is a tall perennial with narrow shiny leaves that are rough to the touch. The tatty-looking pink flowers (25-40mm) that appear from May until August are unlikely to be mistaken for anything else. Found in damp places and wetland habitats.
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