The Rhopalidae is a family of scentless plant bugs that lack well-developed scent glands. They are all plant feeders. The family were once known as 'Corizidae'.
Cinnamon Bug Corizus hyoscyami
©Raymond Small TQ4793 22/04/2019
Cinnamon Bug Corizus hyoscyami
©Raymond Small TQ4793 14/08/2024
Cinnamon Bug
Corizus hyoscyami
is a brightly coloured bug measuring about 9mm. Once a coastal species but now becoming more frequent inland.
Glass-winged Bug Stictopleurus punctatonervosus
©Raymond Small TQ4792 07/08/2018
Glass-winged Bug
Stictopleurus punctatonervosus
has clear wings. Historically this was a rare bug in Britain but is now being seen more often in dry grassland habitats. About 7-8mm in length. Also known as the 'Transparent Rhopalid'.
Hypericum Rhopalid Rhopalus subrufus
©Raymond Small TQ4792 22/05/2019
Hypericum Rhopalid
Rhopalus subrufus is found on stinging nettles. It is associated with woodland clearings. They overwinter as adults and the new generation appears in August. Length about 7mm.
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