Hawk-moths belong to the Family Sphingidae. They are distinctly coloured and the family includes the largest moths found in the United Kingdom. They are called Hawk-moths because of their fast manoeuvrable flight. When at rest they usually hold the wings close to the body.
Poplar Hawk Moth Laothoe populi
©Raymond Small TQ4692 21/05/2023
Poplar Hawk Moth Laothoe populi
©Raymond Small TQ4692 21/05/2023
69.003 Poplar Hawk-moth has a wingspan measuring up to 9cm making it one of the largest moth species seen locally. Adults fly in daytime from May to July and are sometimes drawn to light at night. Its larvae feed on Poplar, Aspen and Sallow.
Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri
©Raymond Small TQ4692 30/06/2020
Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri
©Raymond Small TQ4692 30/06/2020
Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri
©Raymond Small TQ4692 30/06/2020
69.006 Privet Hawk-moth
Sphinx ligustri
has a wingspan up to 12cm making it the largest British resident hawk-moth. It flies in June and July. The huge green caterpillars usually seen in July and August feed on Privet, Ash, Lilac and Guelder-rose.
Hummingbird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum
©Michael Trump TQ4491 19/09/2023
Hummingbird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum
©Debi H Aldborough Hatch 2023
69.010 Hummingbird Hawk-moth is a migrant species sometimes seen feeding at flower-heads in sunshine. Foodplants include Bedstraws and Wild Madder, but the larvae are rarely found in Britain.
Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila elpenor
©Raymond Small TQ4692 14/07/2024
Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila elpenor
©Raymond Small TQ4692 14/07/2024
69.016 Elephant Hawk-moth flies from May to August. The common name is a reference to its large caterpillars that are shaped like an elephant's trunk. They grow up to 70mm long and have two large eye spots. The caterpillars hide among leaves during the day and feed at night. Larval foodplants include Willowherbs, Bedstraws and Fuschia.
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