Trichia decipiens
©Raymond Small TQ4792 19/02/2024
Trichia decipiens
©Raymond Small TQ4792 19/02/2024
Trichia decipiens
©Raymond Small TQ4792 14/12/2024
Trichia decipiens is a common slime mould found throughout the year on rotten dead wood of trees such as oak. The fruit bodies go through a colour change as they mature turning from bright orange to olive brown. The pear-shaped sporangia are normally petiolate and rarely sessile, up to 3mm tall and usually have a diameter of 0.6 to 0.8mm.
Metatrichia floriformis
©Raymond Small TQ4792 11/03/2018
Metatrichia floriformis develops shiny black globose sporangia that split to reveal a fluffy orange mass that releases spores. The stalked fruit-bodies appear in gregarious clusters, 1.5 - 3mm tall.
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