Common Puffball Lycoperdon perlatum
©Raymond Small TQ4792 25/09/2017
Common Puffball Lycoperdon perlatum
©Raymond Small 08/10/2019
Common Puffballs are normally found in small, scattered, groups in leaf litter under trees during summer and autumn, standing 40-80mm tall. Mature specimens release spores through a hole in the top which get dispersed by wind and rain.
Meadow Puffball Vascellum pratense
©Raymond Small TQ4792 07/10/2019
Meadow Puffballs are seen in the meadows during autumn. Immature fruiting bodies are creamy-white with a thick stem-like base. They grow up to 5cm across.
Stump Puffball Lycoperdon pyriforme
©Raymond Small TQ4792 21/11/2023
The Stump Puffball is the only puffball that grows on wood making it easy to identify. Large numbers often grow together. Young fruitbodies are whitish-yellow, usually club-shaped and covered in very fine warts. They brown with age.
Common Earthball Scleroderma citrinum
©Raymond Small TQ4793 23/10/2017
Common Earthball releasing spores
©Raymond Small TQ4793 23/10/2017
The Common Earthball splits open to release sand-coloured spores. When conditions are poor the spores are able to remain dormant for a long time.
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