© Raymond Small TQ4793 07/05/2023
Soft Shell Terrapin and Yellow-bellied Sliders
© Raymond Small TQ4792 22/07/2017
© Raymond Small TQ4793 07/05/2023
Soft Shell Terrapin and Yellow-bellied Sliders
© Raymond Small TQ4792 22/07/2017
Terrapins are small turtles that live in fresh or brackish water. They are not native and those seen in the lake and ponds are dumped pets - not good for the terrapins or the native wildlife! During the 1980s pet shops started importing Terrapins from America to cash in on the success of the cartoon 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'. Many owners were ignorant and unaware that their tiny pets could grow to the size of large dinner plates and develop strength to break out of tanks. This lead to irresponsible dumping despite Terrapins being ill-equipped to cope with Britain's climate. On sunny days they are seen basking on logs, however most of their time is spent in the water. They are omnivores that eat plants, fish, snails, worms, insect larvae and bird eggs.
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