Swollen Stem Gall Lasioptera rubi
©Raymond Small TQ4792 05/10/2018
Swollen Stem Galls are abnormal bulges on
Bramble stems caused by midge
Lasioptera rubi.
Mophead Gall Chirosia betuleti
©Raymond Small TQ4792 05/11/2018
Mophead Galls appear as knots on top of
Broad Buckler ferns. They are caused by midge
Chirosia betuleti.
Leaf Gall Cecidophyes nudus
©Raymond Small TQ4791 14/11/2017
Leaf Galls that appear as bulges on the upperside of
Herb Bennet
leaves are caused by white mites
Cecidophyes nudus all through the year. The mites live on leaf undersides in abnormal hair growth (erineum), becoming dormant during winter. Thank you to Enid Barrie for assisting with the identification.
Ivy Leaf Spot Colletotrichum trichellum
©Raymond Small TQ4792 09/10/2019
Ivy Leaf Spot is caused by fungus
Colletotrichum trichellum
leaves. The infection produces large dark spots on the leaves resulting in defoliation.
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